Monday, April 30, 2012

Special breakfasts

Grandpa took Emmy for pancakes at the Oasis truck stop the other day and she was so excited.  She got all dressed up and waited at the door.  She had a great time.  Last weekend I made mickey mouse shaped pancakes and both my kids and husband started off the morning full.

3 years old with attitude

Emmy says the funniest things on a daily basis.  Robb told me today that she told him, "What-e-ver dad!" the other day.  Then told him that I taught her to say that (I would argue that I did not).  She told me the other day while I was helping her go potty that it was stinky in the bathroom and so I needed to go to the store and buy an airwick to make it smell nice and clean.  Again, not sure where she gets this stuff.  I kept asking her who has an airwick but she kept misunderstanding me and telling me, "Mom, you just get them at the store!"

My first flower from Bobby

Today I took the kids to the park and Bobby picked me a flower and brought it over to me.  It was very sweet.  When I picked the kids up at daycare Emmy said good bye to all of her friends by name.  Later at the park she yelled out, "Oh no, a tarantula on the slide!"  Since another mom was closer she ordered the mom to get rid of it.  The other mom laughed and I explained that she can be a little drama queen.  I bought Emmy a running outfit so she could run like me.  She practiced for a long time in the living room and insisted on wearing it.  She told me that she was going to go running, go to work and then come back home again.  Here is a picture of her in her outfit and of Bobby attempting to give her some hugs.  She wasn't into the hugs at first but then she insisted I take some pictures of she and her brother hugging.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bobby is in Emmy's heart :)

Emmy and I spend time each night talking about our "favorite things" from the day.....our favorite friend, thing we ate, thing we did on the play ground (this is one she mostly answers).  Today I asked her who her favorite baby was and she answered "Baby Cameron"  I asked her if she had forgotten about her baby brother Bobby since he really should be her favorite.  She answered, "Baby Bobby is right here in my heart mom and you can walk in my heart too"  I thought that was one of the sweetest things I had heard. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We published book #2

Last week I made year 2 of Emmy's life and year one of Bobby's life into a new book. I haven't gotten it in the mail yet but it turned out pretty good. The Eckerts had a busy weekend. I had to work Saturday, ran a fast 11.5 long training run for the half and then took the kids for frozen yogurt and then we were at the park the rest of the day on Sat. Sunday was spent shopping for groceries with Emmy and played with kids inside since weather wasn't great. I made 3 meals that everyone ate which is a huge success at our house!! Bobby eats almost anything but Robb and Emmy are picky eaters. Enjoyed holding my sleeping Bobby tonight for a long time before I finally put him down for bed. Emmy told me earlier today after watching a commercial for a doll she wanted that she would put that on my birthday list for me! She used to always tell us when she saw something she wanted that she'd put it on her list but since her birthday is a long ways away now she has decided to start putting her 'must haves' on my list.......pretty funny!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday at Moldenhauers

Easter Sunday was spent at the Moldenhauers. Aunt Stacy made a great dinner for all of us. Then the Easter bunny had been in the basement and left baskets of goodies (Bobby is showing off his) and also hid Easter eggs full of treats! Mason and Emmy raced around and found the eggs. They had such a great time together.

Bobby takes care of business!

Bobby loves to take out the garbage and haul around heavy objects. After Emmy's party he helped clean up! Then he rocked Camerson to sleep and made sure he was happy.

Our Bob-Bob...right in the middle of everything at all times!

Bobby made sure he was never far from the action. He stood on Emmy's gifts and helped her open them too. The he spent some time with his Uncle Nick again.....who dressed him up as a princess. Bobby is used to this abuse since his Big Sister often plays pretend with him and casts him as the Queen.

Bobby still loves Emmy to pieces though. In fact this morning Bobby and went into Emmy's room to wake her up and say good morning. The first thing Bobby did was climb onto the bed and give Emmy three big kisses in a row. Later Emmy had a fall and I was holding her as she was crying....Bobby came over right away to check out the situation and make sure Emmy was okay. He brought over her blanket to give to her because he thought she would feel better then ;)

Opening gifts and dancing

Emmy had a blast opening gifts from her friends. When everyone sang happy birthday she danced around doing spins and clapping. She loved being the center of attention (and I loved watching her be so happy!)

Bobby's Uncle Nick and Emmy blows out her candles

While I was busy making sure the part went well (and Robb was busy doing the same) Bobby was usually attached to my hip or leg. Finally I found someone other than Grandpa Bob, Robb and me that he would agree to hang out with.....Uncle Nick. I think Bobby actually preferred Uncle Nick to me! He ran to Nick whenever he saw him and begged to be picked up. The only person who didn't find this amusing was Kane.....he did not want to share his daddy.

Emmy and I spent some time this past week practicing blowing out candles since she was nervous from her experience last year when the candles on the cake scared her. She told me that she was going to be "very brave and strong" and blow those candles out. She did a great job and later that night told me the candles were her favorite part of the party!

Pony rides for everyone!

Emmy and her friends rode on mini ponies for the first part of her birthday party. Mason and Emmy took several rides on the ponies. Emmy's favorite pony was named Little Beauty

A new bike from my grandparents

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Candy got me my first ever Big Girl Bike!!

Hello Kitty birthday party

I got Emmy a Hello kitty cake and then Bobby and Emmy waited patiently for guest to arrive. This is the view that our guests got as they arrived for Emmy's birthday!

A very special gift for our princess

We got Emmy a musical beauty station with just about every beauty tool and musical instrument attached. She has been enjoying it ever since!

It's a Hello Kitty Happy Birthday to our 3 year old lady

April 3rd was our Emmy's Golden Birthday! She turned 3 years old and was so happy to share the news. She ran into daycare with her Hello Kitty cupcakes and shouted, "Happy Birthday!!" She chose a special birthday dinner from 'Old McDonald's' as she likes to call it. She told me later that night that she had a wonderful birthday

Sunday, April 1, 2012

funny things Emmy tells me at bedtime

Emmy and I often have nightly chats after we do our prayers. It is at this time that she tells me the most interesting stories and funny quotes. Tonight she asked me, "mommy, did you take a bath tonight?" I told her that I did and she said emphatically, "Oh wow, you smell wonderful!" Then she asked me "Mommy do you like yourself?" I said that yes I did and that we should all like ourselves, "Yes," Emmy said "I love myself too!"