Monday, April 9, 2012

Bobby's Uncle Nick and Emmy blows out her candles

While I was busy making sure the part went well (and Robb was busy doing the same) Bobby was usually attached to my hip or leg. Finally I found someone other than Grandpa Bob, Robb and me that he would agree to hang out with.....Uncle Nick. I think Bobby actually preferred Uncle Nick to me! He ran to Nick whenever he saw him and begged to be picked up. The only person who didn't find this amusing was Kane.....he did not want to share his daddy.

Emmy and I spent some time this past week practicing blowing out candles since she was nervous from her experience last year when the candles on the cake scared her. She told me that she was going to be "very brave and strong" and blow those candles out. She did a great job and later that night told me the candles were her favorite part of the party!

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