Sunday, April 15, 2012

We published book #2

Last week I made year 2 of Emmy's life and year one of Bobby's life into a new book. I haven't gotten it in the mail yet but it turned out pretty good. The Eckerts had a busy weekend. I had to work Saturday, ran a fast 11.5 long training run for the half and then took the kids for frozen yogurt and then we were at the park the rest of the day on Sat. Sunday was spent shopping for groceries with Emmy and played with kids inside since weather wasn't great. I made 3 meals that everyone ate which is a huge success at our house!! Bobby eats almost anything but Robb and Emmy are picky eaters. Enjoyed holding my sleeping Bobby tonight for a long time before I finally put him down for bed. Emmy told me earlier today after watching a commercial for a doll she wanted that she would put that on my birthday list for me! She used to always tell us when she saw something she wanted that she'd put it on her list but since her birthday is a long ways away now she has decided to start putting her 'must haves' on my list.......pretty funny!

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