Thursday, May 31, 2012

Emmy and Bobby stories

Last night Robb told me that he had a hard time getting Emmy to go to bed.  I was at volleyball but struggling to get Emmy to stay in bed has become a nightly occurrence.  Robb threatened to throw away two of these little pony figurines that she recently got on a trip to Barnes and Nobles (I promised her a new book of her choice and she managed to find the only book in the store that included little toys as part of the book.......too smart!)  A few minutes after tucking her in again and making that threat Emmy came out of her room.  Robb asked her if she remembered what he had told her would happen if she didn't stay in bed.  She told him yes she remembered and that he could throw away the white pony and the one that is laying down.  Hmmmm.....guess that backfired.  Lately when I scold Emmy she tells me "Mommy, I don't like that tone of voice and if you use it then I'm going to be mad."  I try hard not to laugh at the things she says because usually they are things I have told her at one time of another.  Bobby has been busy learning new words.  He loves to read picture books that have places in the book that you can touch and feel.  He brings the book over when either Robb or I are sitting on the floor and turns around and plops himself right in our laps.  It is very obvious what he would like you to do.  He also likes to say, "HI!" and is very good at saying "Bob-Bob" or "Bobby" to name himself or in getting our attention with "mommy" or "daddy."  When Emmy goes to time out Bobby always wants to follow her and cries when she cries.  He does not like for her to be upset.  He loves to hold her hand and to dance with her.  Ring around the rosy is a favorite lately at our house.  Recently I looked in the backseat of the car and they were stretched across their car seats so they could hold hands as we drove home.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summertime fun

I signed up Emmy for summertime soccer and gymnastics.  When I told her she is signed up for gymnastics she said, "mommy everyone will cheer for me when I score!" then she said, "mom I don't want any other kids to score or I will be sad"  Uh oh!  I have one more official full day of work then I am part time hours for summer.  I am very excited about this and about starting the kids' summer activities again.  We will have fun together!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Emmy got all dressed up for the Bridal shower we had at our house for Cheyenne.  Emmy met the other little girl who is going to be a flower girl too.  Emmy was SO excited to meet this other girl who is less than a week younger than her.  The little girl was very shy and Emmy kept asking her to "Talk, Talk, TALK!!"  Then she would come over to me and say, "mommy the other girl is not talking to me!"  Eventually she warmed up to Emmy and they helped Cheyenne open gifts.  Then Emmy met a little baby who she sang songs to and held hands with.  Emmy's singing made this little baby smile and just stare wide eyed at Emmy. 

Bobby's favorite hide out spot

Bobby loves to get up on the couch, open up this little compartment and climb inside.  He laughs and smiles and also refuses to be removed from this spot.  Emmy likes to climb into this hole too....I'm not sure what makes it such a favorite spot.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I ran another half marathon

Robb and I combined work with fun (yes, I think running races is fun).  I did some Fargo site visits Friday and ran another half marathon on Saturday.  I ran my best time yet 1 hour 37 minutes (about 7 and a 1/2 min miles).  It was a windy, humid day and I felt good afterwords so I was happy with that finish.  We saw lots of runners we knew and then afterwards drove home right away so we could get back to our family and show the kids the gifts we bought them and relieve Grandparents Eckert from their babysitting duties!

Emmy collects coins in her bank

Emmy went to A&B pizza with her grandparents the other day and came back with a lot of quarters.  She immediately rushed to her room and started putting them in her piggy bank.  She also had candy and toys she had won from the claw machine.  She was very excited!

Swimming lessons

Bobby started parent/child swimming lessons last week.  I took him twice, dad once and grandpa once.  He really enjoys blowing bubbles, splashing and causing trouble (he often tries to throw his play balls at the teacher and also collects kickboards....often needing about 5 of them).  He is loving the water even though the ride home gets a bit tricky since the class goes past his regular bedtime. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

The kids love to brush their teeth

We bought the kids electric toothbrushes and then I put a bunch of stickers on them to make them fun.  This is about as crafty as I get!  The kids LOVE to brush their teeth now, especially Bobby.  The other day he wouldn't let it go until he finally fell asleep with it in hand and I snuck it away.  I hope this saves us some dental bills later!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day!!

Today is Mother's day.  I am SO blessed to have my two little sweethearts.  I got a home made card from my family, colored by both kids.  We went out to brunch with all the Grandma's on my side of the family and brought each of them flowers and cards.  The kids were good during brunch.  Bobby ate twice as much as Emmy of course.  Then we all took naps (I napped in Emmy's bed with her).  I can't remember the last time I took a nap but I wasn't feeling well.  Hopefully I will feel better soon because I am running the half marathon this Saturday in Fargo.  It is an awesome life with the family I love so much!

eating applies

Today Emmy asked for a whole apple (or rather she just took one right off the counter).  Since Bobby wants to do EVERYTHING his big sister does he had to have one too.  The sat together on the blanket in the living room and ate their apples.  Bobby was so proud of himself.  Sometimes he wanted Emmy or mom and dad to share a bit of his apple.  Then when he got bored and full of that apple he started to use it as a ball and throw it on the ground.  It was fun while it lasted!

Bobby loves to watch the neighbor's puppy

Bobby really has a lot to say these days!  We can't understand most of it but always recognize "Bobby, Bob-Bob, Emmy, Mama, Dada, Mommy, Daddy" and sometimes "Woof!"  Bobby loves watching and yelling out the window when the neighbor's dog runs around and chases his ball.  He watches as long as the puppy is playing.  Later on this same day the puppy ran into our yard while Bobby was playing and he got a big lick to the face!  Emmy chose to color pictures on this morning which is one of her favorite things to do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bobby's got some tubes

 Bobby had his ear surgery this morning.  He cried the entire way to the surgery center but then was pretty entertained by sanitizing his hands and playing on dad's computer.  I had to hold him while they put him to sleep which is not a fun job.  It traumatizes me to do it but yet I wouldn't let anyone else do it either because I needed to make sure he was all right and comfort him the best I could.  We fed him once he woke up but the anesthesia wearing off made him very fussy.  He threw up all over my car on the way home and then fell asleep in my arms as a rocked him to sleep.  Grandma Launa is over at our house watching over him for the rest of today.  We are hoping the tubes will prevent the ear infections and pain that comes with those infections.  We need our happy, spunky little man back!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bobby gets some tubes in his ears tomorrow

Bobby has surgery tomorrow morning to get some tubes in his ears.  We are hoping that this will mean less ear infections for him in the future.  We are definitely worried that he will be pretty upset about missing his morning bottle since he can't have food or drink before surgery.  Grandma Launa has promised to watch him after he gets home from surgery so he will have some TLC all day long.  We are saying prayers for our little bob-bob!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Emmy in her twins outfit

Usually on the weekends I go grocery shopping and run errands.  I always bring Emmy with me as she is fun to have along and enjoys shopping with mom.  I let her pick out her own outfits which usually prompts comments from other shoppers.  Last weekend she wore her twins regalia and her pink cowgirl boots to the grocery store.  Later that day on a trip to Target she wore the same pink cowgirl boots but with a Minnie Mouse hat.  She is very gracious in accepting her compliments on attire from strangers and always remembers to thank them!

Emmy plays with worms

Emmy and her dad were in the backyard last week and when they came back inside Emmy was really excited to tell me all about how she had held A WORM!  I didn't want to burst her bubble by telling her that really holding worms is pretty gross.  She kept asking me if I liked holding worms and if I just loved the worms like she does....since she is at the age where my opinion matters (and I know that there will be an age where I wish my opinion did matter) I was careful to say that I thought worms were "okay" and that I was "glad she had fun and likes worms!" 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A BIG barbie for mom's birthday

Emmy and I were discussing birthday parties last night at bed time when having our night time chat that we do after prayers.  She told me that since my birthday was next she wanted to buy me a new barbie for a present.  I told her that I was too big for playing with barbies.  She thought long and hard on this and then was excited to tell me that the solution to this was that she would just buy me a BIG, BIG barbie since I am such a big girl.  Hmmmm.......lucky me!

Emmy's nap time

Emmy has a hard time settling down at times when it is bed time or nap time.  We usually let her play in her room unless she is getting too noisy or rowdy in there.  Yesterday Bobby and I went to check on her because we thought it was time to play and end nap time.  This is the position we found Emmy in.  Laying in the middle of the floor....obviously she wore herself out.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Emmy is so helpful to her brother

Emmy really likes to be a helper at home.  Here she is making sure Bobby got some blueberries.  She fed him a little too fast and we had to remind her to let him chew and swallow before giving him another berry!

Bobby digs in!

Bobby likes to eat with a fork because he is such a proper young man.  He stabs at each bite with vigor!  Sometimes though he gets frustrated, gives up the fork and uses his hands!