Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bobby's got some tubes

 Bobby had his ear surgery this morning.  He cried the entire way to the surgery center but then was pretty entertained by sanitizing his hands and playing on dad's computer.  I had to hold him while they put him to sleep which is not a fun job.  It traumatizes me to do it but yet I wouldn't let anyone else do it either because I needed to make sure he was all right and comfort him the best I could.  We fed him once he woke up but the anesthesia wearing off made him very fussy.  He threw up all over my car on the way home and then fell asleep in my arms as a rocked him to sleep.  Grandma Launa is over at our house watching over him for the rest of today.  We are hoping the tubes will prevent the ear infections and pain that comes with those infections.  We need our happy, spunky little man back!

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