Thursday, May 31, 2012

Emmy and Bobby stories

Last night Robb told me that he had a hard time getting Emmy to go to bed.  I was at volleyball but struggling to get Emmy to stay in bed has become a nightly occurrence.  Robb threatened to throw away two of these little pony figurines that she recently got on a trip to Barnes and Nobles (I promised her a new book of her choice and she managed to find the only book in the store that included little toys as part of the book.......too smart!)  A few minutes after tucking her in again and making that threat Emmy came out of her room.  Robb asked her if she remembered what he had told her would happen if she didn't stay in bed.  She told him yes she remembered and that he could throw away the white pony and the one that is laying down.  Hmmmm.....guess that backfired.  Lately when I scold Emmy she tells me "Mommy, I don't like that tone of voice and if you use it then I'm going to be mad."  I try hard not to laugh at the things she says because usually they are things I have told her at one time of another.  Bobby has been busy learning new words.  He loves to read picture books that have places in the book that you can touch and feel.  He brings the book over when either Robb or I are sitting on the floor and turns around and plops himself right in our laps.  It is very obvious what he would like you to do.  He also likes to say, "HI!" and is very good at saying "Bob-Bob" or "Bobby" to name himself or in getting our attention with "mommy" or "daddy."  When Emmy goes to time out Bobby always wants to follow her and cries when she cries.  He does not like for her to be upset.  He loves to hold her hand and to dance with her.  Ring around the rosy is a favorite lately at our house.  Recently I looked in the backseat of the car and they were stretched across their car seats so they could hold hands as we drove home.

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