Saturday, October 6, 2012

What the kids are up to lately

Bobby has been busy learning new words.  He loves to point to his eyes, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, ears, hair, tummy...and then point to these same body parts on the person asking about them.  He answers yes with an "mmmmhmmmmm" and No is answered with, "No, no, no, no."  He loves his sister Emmy and when I pick him up at daycare and get him first from his room he immediately asks for "Emmy!"  He sure loves that sister of his.  He is always asking me where she is at and looking for her around the house. He also has discovered that he likes to sweep the house and he makes car noises when he sweeps. 

Emmy had her first dance class this morning.  It was so fun to watch her with the other little girls.  I bought her new ballet slippers which she was really excited about.  She enjoyed looking in the big mirror and watching her own dancing.  She also liked to step out in front of the crowd and perform her dance moves as if she was leading the class.  At times she should have been listening and following directions from her teachers better but she really preferred to make up her own dance routines to the music.  After class we got smoothies together and then did some grocery shopping.  Emmy was very popular at the grocery store since she had insisted on wearing her sunglasses and fur coat (that her grandmas made for her).  Later some of my U Mary PT students came to do a motor control project on Emmy where they evaluated her motor skills when she was playing.  She loved having two fun girls to entertain her and Bobby joined in too since he doesn't like to miss out on any play time.

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