Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What's new this week

We've started this week off great!  Emmy finished off last week at school being a very good girl and getting excellent reports from her teachers regarding listening and following directions without getting mad or frustrated.  She has learned a lot there already.  New songs that she sings to me and yesterday she told me that she was told by her teacher to never open the door to strangers and also that when outside you should not put your tongue on the fence or on the metal boat because your tongue will stick and when pulled off part of your tongue will stay on the fence or boat and your tongue will bleed (later she told me a little boy there at school had learned this lesson firsthand).  I made chocolate chip cookies over the weekend and she asked me to take a picture of she and her dad enjoying those cookies.  She continues to make me laugh all day long with the funny things she says and she always runs in to give me a hug or kiss should Bobby deny his poor mom! 

Bobby is still getting excellent reports at school.  He enjoys breakfast there and his teacher always is telling me he is a good boy!  Last week he ran full speed into the toy shelves and when I picked him up that day he had a nice scrape and bruise on his face.  He is a tough little boy though and so this didn't slow him down a bit.  He doesn't request pictures like Emmy does and so I don't take quite as many of our boy.  He loves telling me that he is "Mommy's boy" and then in the next breath he never forgets to remind me that he is also "Daddy's boy too!"

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