Thursday, January 31, 2013

Busy life and an independent boy

We've been too busy to blog lately.  Last weekend all the Eckerts had the flu...that was a tough weekend.  Emmy has been working on listening and following directions at her new school where there are a LOT of rules and expectations.  Bobby has decided that he must do everything by himself now and does not want to be carried or especially have me do anything for him.  Sometimes dad will get away with helping him but never mommy.  If I even open the door Bobby will come over shut the door and then re-open it again.  He really wears us out with this sometimes.  "No, Bobby do it!" has become a phrase we hear very often.  He loves to help Emmy and often brings her food or her toys without her really wanting him too.  I ask Bobby every night if mommy can put him to bed but most times he only wants Robb to do it.  Emmy often consoles me by letting me help her and by telling me that she is my best friend and loves me.  I thought I'd get a little more time with Bobby as "my baby" but he doesn't want any part of that!

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