Sunday, February 10, 2013

Early morning surprise

Usually anywhere from 6-7 a.m. we are awakened by Emmy running into our room and wanting to eat breakfast, watch cartoons or lay next to mommy.  Sometimes she cries out as she runs since she gets nervous in the dark house on the way to our room.  This morning I heard little footsteps running as fast as could be and a voice kind of whining and sounding a little comes our Emmy I though to myself.  In fact, I even yelled out to her, "Emmy what is wrong, do you want to come lay with mommy?" Then Robb said to me as the little runner reached his bedside, "Ah, it's not Emmy"  I was shocked to see little Bobby up in our bedroom!  He had somehow gotten out of his bed, opened the bedroom door, come up the stairs and ran into our bedroom....all in the dark!  I'm not sure what we are going to do now since I'm not really ready for him to be in a big boy bed.  The first thing Bobby said to me was, "I'm hungry!"  He also told us he would share his blankies that he had brought up with daddy but not with mommy.  I can't believe our almost 2 year old is out of his bed and talking so well.  I am sad to see my baby growing up so fast!

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