Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cinderlla Cake!

Emmy blew out all her candles and really enjoyed her cake (as did we all).  Later on upstairs as I put the leftover cake away Emmy asked if she could just have the frosting flowers off the cake and since I was thinking the same thing.....we both enjoyed eating some extra frosting flowers off of her cake. I figured it was her birthday and I paid for the cake so we were entitled to some extra frosting!  Emmy and mommy think alike.

Emmy's party was this past weekend and she had lots of guest: Gavin (a friend from her old school) Lundeen twins, Johnson girls, all her cousins including Greyson and Olivia Groetken, the Bear kids.  It was a full house  for the Cinderella party.  We had balloons, decorations, gifts, was crazy and fun for Emmy.  She told us many times it was a great day.  The only mishap was that Robb had spent the past week trying to track down the Gavin from her old school that she has been missing since we moved to a new preschool.   Robb found the mom's number and invited him.  When he showed up I instantly knew that this was the wrong Gavin (there were two Gavins in her class).  Unfortunately Emmy knew as well and told us MANY times that we had invited the wrong Gavin.  We made sure to tell her to keep her voice down so the wrong Gavin didn't know that he wasn't her first choice in Gavin's.  Emmy told us at the end of the party that the day was perfect except maybe could we invite the right Gavin to her next birthday.  Kind of awkward since we had mentioned to this Gavin's mom that Gavin was Emmy's favorite friend from her old school and that she mentioned him all the time (strange that Gavin hadn't mentioned Emmy ;) )

Easter egg dying

 Easter egg time at our house. The kids had so much fun!






Monday, March 25, 2013


 Grandma Launa and Grandpa Kelly came home for a week and they brought presents with them.  Here is Emmy enjoying her new dancing outfit.  She loves to dance
 Emmy has started dancing "hip hop" as she calls it.  She makes her own sound effects.  Bobby copies EVERYTHING Emmy does and so in the video he too is dancing hip hop and making up his own sound effects.  Every once in a while they lose their balance and just fall into a pile of silly kids giggling.
This past weekend we colored Easter eggs and after making the eggs Emmy wanted to try them.  She had 4 whole eggs!  She ate them like they were apples.

Monday, March 18, 2013

A rough weekend for mom!

Here are some cute pictures of Bobby and Emmy enjoying a morning out with dad eating donuts.  Robb left later that day to go to Fargo for a concert.  I made plans that the kids and I would go to the play park that is inside Gateway mall after nap.  We got there only to discover it was closed for cleaning.  I took the over the where they could take photos with the Easter bunny but they both were scared.  Then we made our way back through Sears where we had parked just outside the store.  Emmy wanted to stop and look at the Barbies and suddenly Bobby started throwing up ALL OVER.  He vomitted a good 4-5 times while I attempted to comfort him and "catch" some vomit in my hands.  I wasn't sure what I was planning to do with the vomit I caught and had nothing to clean up with.  I started to try to mop it up with Bobby's hat but there was just too much.  Shoppers did start to stare at us and there was no workers in sight so I basically just got out of there with the kids.  Emmy was whining about the Barbie she was holding that she wanted and poor Bobby was covered in vomit.  Then on the way out he cried because he wanted to wear his hat!  We made it home and I started the clean up process.  Unfortunately Bobby threw up about 5 more times that day and needed several baths in the next 24 hours before Robb came home.  We had several moments where I thought I might cry (for the kids and for me).  There was a time when I was giving Bobby a bath, cleaning up a living room full of vomit and Emmy was in a naked time out since she had taken her clothes off insisting to take a bath too.  Single parenting is really tough when you have sick kids.  Thanks goodness Robb came home on Sunday!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I finally got my 3rd place plaque!

After realizing that the race results were not correct the day of the race I wrote to the marathon organizers and they sent me my 3rd place plaque.   Not too bad for a race with 2300 runners entered into the half marathon!

Our little vocalist

While Robb and I were away in Phoenix Bobby entertained his grandparents by singing songs for them.  They caught some on video for us to enjoy

Having fun while mom's on break

The kids had fun with Play do while I had some time off from work.  Bobby got into some trouble when he took a few bites of the blue play do....the blue teeth, tongue, mouth was pretty incriminating.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bobby is ready for the potty?

These last few days I was on Spring Break which was really nice because I got to spend some extra time with the kids.  Bobby has been asking to go on the potty since he sees Emmy go.  In the past two days he has gone twice on the potty.  He just turned two so this is MUCH sooner than Emmy wanted to try the potty. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Phoenix Half Marathon 2013

 Robb and I took a trip to AZ.  He drove me to clinical sites for the first two days and then on Saturday at 6:30 am I ran the Phoenix half marathon.  I ran 1 hour 33 minutes for 3rd place in my age division.  There were 2300 runners and I got 15th place overall in the females who ran the race.  I won an award......and could barely walk for two days after.  I may be getting faster with age but recovery is NOT getting easier.
Robb and I got 2 days of time together.  We ate at great restaurants, went hiking (here we are on top of a mountain we hiked up), went shopping and just enjoyed some mornings where we weren't rushed to get kids ready or get to work.  Bob and Candy watched our little honeys while we were gone and the kids really had so much fun the didn't miss us at all.  We did miss them though and they got the most presents of everyone.

2 but still mama's boy!

I earned a kiss for my hard work organizing a party for my favorite little man
More of Bobby's party guests

Bobby passed out gift bags of goodies to all the kids who came to his party.  It was so sweet.  He was really excited about handing these to each cousin and to his sister.

Bobby is adamant that HE do everything with no help but he did allow Grandpa Bob to feed him one bite of his cake.
 Bobby did a great job blowing out his candles on his John Deer tractor cake
 He tried to stick his finger in for a quick taste
Family picture!

The guests arrived for Bobby's party

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Candy brough Gabe and Andrew.  Great grandma Pearl and Van were there and the entire Moldenhauer clan came as well.  Bobby opened his gifts with a little help from his cousins.

Bobby turns two!

Our little guy turned two this month.  He was so excited about his birthday weekend.  He chose his own hat to wear to his party