Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Phoenix Half Marathon 2013

 Robb and I took a trip to AZ.  He drove me to clinical sites for the first two days and then on Saturday at 6:30 am I ran the Phoenix half marathon.  I ran 1 hour 33 minutes for 3rd place in my age division.  There were 2300 runners and I got 15th place overall in the females who ran the race.  I won an award......and could barely walk for two days after.  I may be getting faster with age but recovery is NOT getting easier.
Robb and I got 2 days of time together.  We ate at great restaurants, went hiking (here we are on top of a mountain we hiked up), went shopping and just enjoyed some mornings where we weren't rushed to get kids ready or get to work.  Bob and Candy watched our little honeys while we were gone and the kids really had so much fun the didn't miss us at all.  We did miss them though and they got the most presents of everyone.

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