Monday, March 18, 2013

A rough weekend for mom!

Here are some cute pictures of Bobby and Emmy enjoying a morning out with dad eating donuts.  Robb left later that day to go to Fargo for a concert.  I made plans that the kids and I would go to the play park that is inside Gateway mall after nap.  We got there only to discover it was closed for cleaning.  I took the over the where they could take photos with the Easter bunny but they both were scared.  Then we made our way back through Sears where we had parked just outside the store.  Emmy wanted to stop and look at the Barbies and suddenly Bobby started throwing up ALL OVER.  He vomitted a good 4-5 times while I attempted to comfort him and "catch" some vomit in my hands.  I wasn't sure what I was planning to do with the vomit I caught and had nothing to clean up with.  I started to try to mop it up with Bobby's hat but there was just too much.  Shoppers did start to stare at us and there was no workers in sight so I basically just got out of there with the kids.  Emmy was whining about the Barbie she was holding that she wanted and poor Bobby was covered in vomit.  Then on the way out he cried because he wanted to wear his hat!  We made it home and I started the clean up process.  Unfortunately Bobby threw up about 5 more times that day and needed several baths in the next 24 hours before Robb came home.  We had several moments where I thought I might cry (for the kids and for me).  There was a time when I was giving Bobby a bath, cleaning up a living room full of vomit and Emmy was in a naked time out since she had taken her clothes off insisting to take a bath too.  Single parenting is really tough when you have sick kids.  Thanks goodness Robb came home on Sunday!!

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