Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cuddle time!

Bobby and I have really bonded over the shared experience of "cuddle time."  Bobby knows that after dinner we play for a while and then we have bathtime (which he often requests without prompting).  Most nights lately he tells me to hurry up with his bath and wash him up fast so that we can have "cuddle time."  He will say to me, "Cuddle time mommy?"  and we grab his blanket, his milk and cuddle as we watch Mickey Mouse or Super Why on the couch together.  I get lots of Bobby love and he seems to enjoy it too.  Then at 7:30 we go downstairs and sing songs together and rock in the chair.  After a few songs he usually tells me that it is time for him to lay "on his bear pillow" in his bed where we make a deal (and shake hands on the deal that we make) to sing the itsy bitsy spider song two times before Bobby goes to sleep.  It is my favorite part of the entire day.  Emmy usually joins us on the couch for cuddle time and so I get my two favorite people cuddling next to me with one under each arm.  I am so blessed!

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