Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday funday

After Sunday School we went to the zoo.  The kids enjoyed a train ride and then we visited the gopher exhibit.

Weekend fun

We had a great weekend once again.  Robb took Emmy for a ride in his clunker (which she loved except she told him it smelled bad).  We also had some fun putting hair chalk on the kids' hair.  They loved their new hair styles but eventually we noted that it rubbed off on the furniture and so we may have to be selective as to when we use it again.

Bobby's buddy

Here is a picture Robb took of Bobby and one of his school friends (Paxon Bergstrand) having breakfast.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The kids love to read

It is true that the kids love to be read to. Robb reads to them every night and often Bobby requests that I read extra books to him too before bed.  Last night they were quietly sharing and reading books in their beds.  How sweet!

Monday, September 23, 2013

and then the parents ran :)

On Saturday Robb and I completed in our races.  I ran the first leg (6.5 miles) of the all female relay team I joined and he ran the 5K with Stacy.  Robb PRed in his race and did really well completing 9-9:30 minute miles with Stacy.  I ran under 7 minute miles for all with the exception of the mile that I ran straight up the U Mary hill.  I ran the 6.5 in 45 minutes and most importantly my team won first place!  Robb's business sponsored us and we got medals, jackets and some press (our names were in the paper).  We all went out to celebrate Saturday night which was really fun too.

Videos of our speedy kiddos

Bismarck mini marathon

We took the kids to the mini marathon last Friday night.  They both ran in the 5 and under category (with some random 8 year olds whose parents obviously didn't follow directions).  They had so much fun and were so proud of their medals.  Bobby ran right into Grandpa Kelly's arms and Emmy raced to her dad (I started them off at the start line).  We saw many families we knew there and had a fantastic time.  Mason ran the race too and was the fastest little guy in his heat of racers.  I may get to watch some track and field some day soon!

Monday, September 16, 2013

 Bobby insisted on picking up all of the big pumpkins and he often would carry the biggest pumpkin he could over to me to show off how strong he is.
 Bobby had fun pretending to drive the old tractors there and was good about sharing as long as "Mommy set the timer" which meant that I had to tell him I was setting a (pretend) timer and then say beeeeeep when the pretend timer went off so that signaled that it was time for the other kids to take a turn.
 Emmy enjoyed choosing her take home pumpkin.  She checked out many pumpkins before she picked her two out.
 Look at our big girl!
 Here is a picture of the two pumpkins the kids finally chose.  Bobby was still picking out alternatives while we were buying the ones he originally told us he wanted.

 Emerson has become quit the little poser.  She is our little movie star in her glasses. Bobby says "Cheese!" when asked to smile but is usually looking in the opposite direction of the person taking the picture.

Pony rides and bucking broncos?

Emmy and Bobby were so excited to ride the ponies.  Bobby told me that he was a REAL cowboy now.  At one point Emmy stopped with her pony to pose for a picture that Robb was taking.  While she was stopped the pony Bobby was riding on got mad that Emmy's pony was in the way and bit Emmy's pony in the butt.  Emmy's pony jumped and we ended up getting an action shot of Emmy holding on for dear life!  I was relieved that both kids were unharmed and not scared in the least.

Pumpkin Patch 2013

The family went to the pumpkin patch on Sunday and the kids had a great time.  They couldn't decide what they should do first but they did manage to do it all!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Songs we learn at Sunday School

Bobby loves to sing the new songs he learned at Sunday School!

Fun times...always

Every day is a fun day at our house.  It's been pretty rainy so we took the kids to an indoor park and let them get on some rides this past weekend.  I want to make sure that I post some of the many funny stories I have about my cute kids!  Almost every day that I pick up the kids and go down to get Bobby in his two year old room he is pretending to drive a car in a fireman hat.  I always call out, "Firechief Bobby, your mommy is here to pick you up!"  He gets so excited and he throws down the hat and sprints over to meet me.  In the evening he pretends that he is leaving for work (like his daddy does when he drops him off at daycare).  Bobby will tell Robb, "OK dad, I'm leaving now because I have to go to work, give me a kiss goodbye and have a good day!"  It is so sweet to see the kids copy what Robb and I do and say.  Before bedtime I spend some alone time with Bobby down in his room rocking, talking and singing with him.  He always asks me to play the witch.  I talk in a 'witch' voice and tell him I'm going to put him in my soup and eat him...or sometimes I tell him I'm going to put a spell on him and turn him into a frog.  This makes him giggle and giggle but last night he got very serious when I told him he was now turned into a frog and he said, "No, you need to turn me back into Firechief Bobby now!"  Emmy and I have 15 minutes of alone time too where she tells me about her day, we sing, do prayers and just chat.  She and I talk about what she learned at school, her friends she played with and also how she did at either swimming or gymnastics lessons depending on the day.  Robb does the reading to both kids and so we both get our time in and this is one of my favorite times of the day.  My most favorite part of the day is right after bath and before the bed time routine where I sit on the couch with a kid under each arm and we cuddle and watch a cartoon show.  It's a great life!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday School

Today is the first day of Sunday school for Emmy and for me.  I am helping out in the 1st-2nd grade room and Emmy will be in Pre-K room for Sunday School.  Hopefully Bobby will be okay with this and stay in church or church daycare with dad.....we will see.  This morning he wanted me to get his milk for him and so I asked him what the magic word was to get mommy to do things for him.  He answered pretty quickly, "Um...give kisses!"  He is right, I usually get a kiss first before I do him any favors.  I did tell him that the magic WORD to get mommy to do things for you is please!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Parade and race

 The kids had a blast at the  parade.  I had to keep close tabs on Bobby who has no fear and would run right out in the middle of the road to gather candy.  The kids waved to the parade participants and had a great time.

After the parade the kids both ran in the road races.  Emmy won the Pre-K girls division!  She was so excited but right away told me that she was giving half of her 2$ winnings to her brother who did not win.  Bobby was pretty excited to run in his boys Pre-K race and he lined up but then took off before the person yelled GO!  He false started but turned around to give me a mischievous grin that told me he may have thought false starting was more entertaining than actually running the race as planned.  The crowd laughed at him running out in his boots and cowboy hat.  Emmy found a daycare friend later on that she hadn't seen all summer and they played until the inflatables opened up and the kids jumped around for an hour until we got some hot dogs for the ride home.  Later on that day they were invited over to swim at a pool party.  We had some kids that slept very well last night!

Family fun at the ranch

 Emmy is in love ith the puppies.  She chases them, talks to them, pets them, sings to them and just loves them in general!  She made sure to save a spot for them at the campfire that night.
 My little man cuddled with me at sunset on top of the big hill
 Emmy loves flowers a close second to the dogs.  She found a big sunflower and then made grandma make sure all the bugs were off.  I often see her pick flowers and then try to replant them in the dirt.
 Sept 2 marked Grandma's birthday and Anniversary.  We got her a cake and then the kids  helped her blow out the candles and eat her cake!
The kids got their cowboy gear on to go to the Bull-o-rama.  They had a great time watching those crazy bulls and were really excited to see real cowboys.  Bobby was sweating like crazy but would absolutely NOT take off his cowboy hat.

My little tractor man

Bobby is obsessed with tractors and driving and so he enjoyed jumping up on Grandpa's big tractor!

Ranch fun

This weekend we went to the Almont  labor day festivities and had SO much fun.  We got some great pictures of the kids in the corn patch while we were on a ride through the ranch.  The kids thought it was great to see the corn and Emmy tried to take a bite of an ear of corn but discovered that she didn't much care for the taste of uncooked corn.