Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fun times...always

Every day is a fun day at our house.  It's been pretty rainy so we took the kids to an indoor park and let them get on some rides this past weekend.  I want to make sure that I post some of the many funny stories I have about my cute kids!  Almost every day that I pick up the kids and go down to get Bobby in his two year old room he is pretending to drive a car in a fireman hat.  I always call out, "Firechief Bobby, your mommy is here to pick you up!"  He gets so excited and he throws down the hat and sprints over to meet me.  In the evening he pretends that he is leaving for work (like his daddy does when he drops him off at daycare).  Bobby will tell Robb, "OK dad, I'm leaving now because I have to go to work, give me a kiss goodbye and have a good day!"  It is so sweet to see the kids copy what Robb and I do and say.  Before bedtime I spend some alone time with Bobby down in his room rocking, talking and singing with him.  He always asks me to play the witch.  I talk in a 'witch' voice and tell him I'm going to put him in my soup and eat him...or sometimes I tell him I'm going to put a spell on him and turn him into a frog.  This makes him giggle and giggle but last night he got very serious when I told him he was now turned into a frog and he said, "No, you need to turn me back into Firechief Bobby now!"  Emmy and I have 15 minutes of alone time too where she tells me about her day, we sing, do prayers and just chat.  She and I talk about what she learned at school, her friends she played with and also how she did at either swimming or gymnastics lessons depending on the day.  Robb does the reading to both kids and so we both get our time in and this is one of my favorite times of the day.  My most favorite part of the day is right after bath and before the bed time routine where I sit on the couch with a kid under each arm and we cuddle and watch a cartoon show.  It's a great life!

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