Monday, September 16, 2013

 Bobby insisted on picking up all of the big pumpkins and he often would carry the biggest pumpkin he could over to me to show off how strong he is.
 Bobby had fun pretending to drive the old tractors there and was good about sharing as long as "Mommy set the timer" which meant that I had to tell him I was setting a (pretend) timer and then say beeeeeep when the pretend timer went off so that signaled that it was time for the other kids to take a turn.
 Emmy enjoyed choosing her take home pumpkin.  She checked out many pumpkins before she picked her two out.
 Look at our big girl!
 Here is a picture of the two pumpkins the kids finally chose.  Bobby was still picking out alternatives while we were buying the ones he originally told us he wanted.

 Emerson has become quit the little poser.  She is our little movie star in her glasses. Bobby says "Cheese!" when asked to smile but is usually looking in the opposite direction of the person taking the picture.

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