Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

The Eckerts have had a wonderful, blessed Christmas.  We celebrated with our families and Santa brought the kids exactly what they wished for....princess gear and a cowboy costume.  Robb and I have been packing, unpacking, organizing and putting together toys all morning.....we need naps!  We celebrated two Christmases and went to church yesterday. 

 Emmy got a toy that plays music and allows her to sing and be a star - she loves it!  Her Aunt Stacy really knows what she likes.

Cowboy Bobby got a cowboy gun from his grandparents along with several new tractors and some nice looking shoes and clothes

 We had more time  for presents at the Eckert house where the kids played with their cousins and enjoyed more gift un wrapping!  Then on Christmas morning we were at our home opening the gifts that Santa brought for the kids.  Somehow he knew everything they wanted!



Emmy enjoyed being in the Christmas program at church.  She held a candle and sang every word of the Christmas carols she was assigned to sing at the program.

She led her group of candle holders down the aisle and then sang her little heart out.

On Christmas Eve we went to church and the kids went up for children's time.  I told Emmy she was in charge of keeping her brother up there but about 3/4ths of the way into it he started to wander out into the aisle and away from the children.  She called out "Bobby, come back and sit with me!"  She took her job seriously and really did try to keep him up front for as long as possible.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Busy getting into the holiday spirit

We took the kids to see Santa and this was the first year no one cried!!  The kids are growing up and they are no longer in need of mommy to sit on Santa's lap with them...I think that's a good thing

Emmy got picked up last week early from school by Auntie Amber who took her for a smoothie and then helped Emmy and Andrew make cookies for Xmas.  Although the story I heard was that auntie ended up making the cookies and Emmy and Andrew played.  Gabe had to get in on the fun and snuggle into a sleeping bag next to Emmy as well.  Andrew was pretty excited in the morning and woke Emmy up around 5:30.  The next day Emmy took her first nap in about 7-8 months!

The kids got some new toys through the mail for Xmas (we aren't sure who Secret Santa is yet) but they were excited and LOVED the new toys.  Bobby got to work doing some heavy lifting with his crane....Emmy's purse.

Bobby enjoys my cooking

Bobby is by far my least picky eater - he will eat anything I put in front of him but he loves TACOS and slow cooker roast beef sandwiches.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cookie time

I made a bunch of cookies and frosted them with the kids' favorite colors so they could decorate them this past weekend.  They had a fun time decorating but I think they mostly enjoyed eating them.  Bobby has started only eating the frosting off the cookies (just like mommy). 

We also enjoyed the Happy Birthday Jesus party at church on Sunday.  Emmy really understands the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Jesus' birth this year which really warms my heart.  Bobby is starting to get it......this may be the first year he really starts appreciating all our traditions.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Church Program and then Movie night

The kids had the church program on Sunday and Emmy was in charge of holding a candle and then singing some Christmas songs with her group.  She sang loud and proud (we had been practicing) and held her candle like the star that she is as she led her group down the aisle.  Again, this soft mom had some tears....I'm just so darn proud of my little kids!  Bobby was in the daycare and missed most of it
 Later, Robb took them to the movie night where they ate popcorn and pizza, met Bessie the safety cow and got all kinds of free stuff. They made art projects for the nursing home residents and then watched Veggie Tales Christmas Show.  Bobby wasn't too sure about Bessie and Emmy wouldn't even stand next to her.

Later than night Bobby told me he had a tummy ache (Robb later informed me BObby ate 3 slices of pizza) and then he threw up all over himself and the bathroom downstairs.  We were in his room getting ready to read a book.  I cleaned him up and then carried him upstairs to get new jammies and he said in a sad little voice...."Do you still love me with throw up on me mommy?"  I assured him that I was his greatest fan no matter how much vomit he has on him or that I have to clean up off of the floor.  He was up in the middle of the night last night with a bad dream as well. I have to say that I don't even mind the late night wake up calls and cuddles because my boy is getting big so fast now!

Dance recital success!

Emmy was fantastic at her dance recital and enjoyed every minute of her stage time. Grandpa Bob and Grandma Candy were there and Grandpa got her two pink carnation flowers that she was thrilled about!  I may have shed some tears watching her I was so excited!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dancing Queen

Emmy is SOOO excited to get to be a puppy and wear her puppy costume.  It is actually much cuter than I imagined it to be.  She took pictures yesterday with her group and will perform on Saturday.  She loves to dance, sing and is just pretty happy in general.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving and time together

We had two Thanksgiving dinners again this year and the kids really enjoyed being with their cousins.  Later on since we had a nice long weekend we enjoyed some dancing and painting.  The kids got a stomach flu which made Friday night and Saturday not as much fun but were recovered by Sunday!