Monday, December 9, 2013

Church Program and then Movie night

The kids had the church program on Sunday and Emmy was in charge of holding a candle and then singing some Christmas songs with her group.  She sang loud and proud (we had been practicing) and held her candle like the star that she is as she led her group down the aisle.  Again, this soft mom had some tears....I'm just so darn proud of my little kids!  Bobby was in the daycare and missed most of it
 Later, Robb took them to the movie night where they ate popcorn and pizza, met Bessie the safety cow and got all kinds of free stuff. They made art projects for the nursing home residents and then watched Veggie Tales Christmas Show.  Bobby wasn't too sure about Bessie and Emmy wouldn't even stand next to her.

Later than night Bobby told me he had a tummy ache (Robb later informed me BObby ate 3 slices of pizza) and then he threw up all over himself and the bathroom downstairs.  We were in his room getting ready to read a book.  I cleaned him up and then carried him upstairs to get new jammies and he said in a sad little voice...."Do you still love me with throw up on me mommy?"  I assured him that I was his greatest fan no matter how much vomit he has on him or that I have to clean up off of the floor.  He was up in the middle of the night last night with a bad dream as well. I have to say that I don't even mind the late night wake up calls and cuddles because my boy is getting big so fast now!

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