Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

The Eckerts have had a wonderful, blessed Christmas.  We celebrated with our families and Santa brought the kids exactly what they wished for....princess gear and a cowboy costume.  Robb and I have been packing, unpacking, organizing and putting together toys all morning.....we need naps!  We celebrated two Christmases and went to church yesterday. 

 Emmy got a toy that plays music and allows her to sing and be a star - she loves it!  Her Aunt Stacy really knows what she likes.

Cowboy Bobby got a cowboy gun from his grandparents along with several new tractors and some nice looking shoes and clothes

 We had more time  for presents at the Eckert house where the kids played with their cousins and enjoyed more gift un wrapping!  Then on Christmas morning we were at our home opening the gifts that Santa brought for the kids.  Somehow he knew everything they wanted!



Emmy enjoyed being in the Christmas program at church.  She held a candle and sang every word of the Christmas carols she was assigned to sing at the program.

She led her group of candle holders down the aisle and then sang her little heart out.

On Christmas Eve we went to church and the kids went up for children's time.  I told Emmy she was in charge of keeping her brother up there but about 3/4ths of the way into it he started to wander out into the aisle and away from the children.  She called out "Bobby, come back and sit with me!"  She took her job seriously and really did try to keep him up front for as long as possible.

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