Sunday, January 5, 2014

More Florida fun

 We rode on bikes made for entire familes and the kids rode right in the front.  I think that Grandma Launa and I were the main bicyclists that kept us moving forward.  We laughed because I had a steering wheel that didn't actually steer (only hers moved us in different directions).  The guys in the back were impeding our forward progress at times but we still had a great time riding.


Later the kids jumped and played on some inflatables in the park.  They had a fantastic time until Emmy flipped completely over (did a full somersault in mid air) and bit her lip.  Tears were shed but they stopped when I mentioned ice cream and we moved on to the part of the park that offered water fun.  There were sprinklers and sprays that the kids ran through and they had a great time.

We woke up super early on New Year's Eve and drove to our hotel destination in Disney World.  The kids were good travelers and Grandma made sure we had breakfast to go.  I had researched, read about and pre planned our trip and things went VERY smoothly.

Emmy met Rapunzel and is now convinced that she is coming to babysit and also will be sleeping over (apparently Rapunzel told her this).

Bobby met Goofy and Donald and I have no idea what he told them during his time with them.  I did encourage him to tell them that he watches them on TV all the time.

Emmy was so excited to meet Ariel and has been talking about their meeting constantly ever since.

The kids also took pictures and met with Snow White.  Bobby didn't really talk much to the princesses but he sure snuggled right in when it was picture time.  He seemed to be enjoying his time with them....a true ladies man!

A princess pose!

We rode many rides and the kids enjoyed most of them although there were some scary rides that Bobby got nervous about (some where there were loud noises and it got very dark)

Emmy was the ultimate photo-bomber in this picture I tried to take of Bobby and Robb

Bobby was so excited to ride in the race cars!  He even got to drive the car and did pretty well.  Emmy did not want to drive our car and so I got to do the honors.  Emmy and I switched with Bobby so he could drive the orange car assigned to us since that is his favorite color.

We took a family picture right before we had to leave on the second day.  Two long days and nights at Disney world were enough for us.

The kids got their balloons and we headed back to Fort Myers!

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