Sunday, January 5, 2014

Disney world fun!

 Emmy met her fairy godmother at the
 Bippity Boppity Boutique where she got made up into a princess.  She chose her hairstyle, make up colors, dress, tiara, etc.  She was told stories by her godmother that she retold to her little brother and any little girl she came across over the next few days.

She chose to be Ariel and was so excited to spend the day at Disney World as a princess.  Every person working at Disney world greeted her as "Princess" and at the parade Captain Hook bowed to her and all the Disney princesses smiled, pointed at her and made a big deal of her.  The best moment came when Ariel came by in the parade and made her hands into a heart.  Emmy made her hands into a heart shape back and she became a topic on conversation in the carriage that held the princesses.  She also went to several meet and greets where she got special time with Rapunzel, Snow White and Ariel.  It was a memory that neither she or her parents will ever forget.  Bobby waved to his favorite characters too and gave out high fives to Captain Hook, Woody.  The first night we were there we also got to see the electric light parade.  There were so many people that Robb and I had to put the kids on our shoulders to make sure they could see......I was hurting pretty badly after about 10 minutes of Bobby on my shoulders.  That boy is big and it was not easy to hold him.

Emmy took part in the Belle show where they chose kids to participate as character in a surprise play they were performing for Belle.  Emmy figured out pretty quickly that if you made the loudest and best noise for that character you would be picked to play that character.  When they asked who could neigh like a horse, Emmy yelled out a great "NEIGHHHHHHHH!!!!" and of course was chosen to be Phillippe the horse.  She was very serious about her part and gallopped everywhere on stage and proudly held up her Phillippe picture.  It was so adorable and she was very excited about her job.


We  enjoyed the rides but were very grateful that I had organized our trip with fast pass tickets.  New year's eve was the busiest day at Disney on record.....they actually had to close the park since they were at capacity.  Traffic was backed up for a few miles past the park onto the interstate and inside the park it was unreal!  Even the wait for the bathroom was 30 plus minutes.  After day two our little kiddos were pretty exhausted and we opted to drive back to Fort Myers and grandpa and grandma's hospitality, comfy bed, pool and TLC!

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