Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bobby and Emmy are funny

Bobby was excited to get birthday money from his Grandpa Bob and Grandma Candy.  He even got a wallet to keep his change in.  When he got this gift he was so excited, the first thing he yelled out was, "Mommy, now I can buy you popcorn!"  He is such a sweet, thoughtful little boy.  Later on he tried to give me all his change.  When I declined the offer and told him that it was for him to have Emmy offered, "Bobby if you want to give someone all your money.....give it to me!"  She makes me laugh and is always trying to talk her brother into things that may benefit her.  This reminds me of someone....oh yeah, me!  Bobby also got  bike helmet and a bike horn as part of the gift he picked out with his money when he and grandpa went shopping.  He ran into the house to show me and honked it (many times) at me.  "Be scared mommy, act like you are SO scared now!"

Yesterday she found a computer game that has a picture of a raccoon that you can superimpose on picture you take of things around the house.  She got pretty creative and took a picture of the toilet so it looked like the raccoon was getting flushed down the toilet!  Then she had Bobby take a picture with his mouth open so it looked like he was eating the raccoon.

Bobby and Emmy spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house and when they got home Bobby told me that he was glad to be home now so he could protect me.  He got a late nap but I wanted to wake him up at the normal time.  He was still tired and yawning and he said to me, "Mommy next time if I am sleeping down there do not wake me up because you made me really tired!"

The other night Bobby told me he felt so sorry and sad for me.  When I asked him why he said that he really misses his Grandpa Kelly and he knows that Grandpa Kelly is also my dad and so he feels so sad for me that I have to miss my dad while he is in Florida!

Robb has been gone for almost a week and the kids and I all really miss him.  He is a great dad and help to me and so we are anxiously awaiting his arrival!

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