Thursday, February 12, 2015

Another little hockey player

Robb has taken Bobby to a couple of open ice times this month and Bobby is really enjoying hockey.  He also likes that dad buys him snacks afterwards.  He has met some new friends (Henry Teagle and Eli Stenberg) there as their dads bring them too.  Yesterday Robb told me that they were about to purchase Bobby's treat and he said, "No, wait!" ran over to Eli (Henry was gone this day) and asked him what snack he would like since Bobby planned to share with him.  He also remembered that Henry was sad last time because Bobby didn't get Oreos to share with him and had told Robb that if Henry was there Bobby would make sure to get Oreos to share.  Eli's dad commented to Robb that Bobby's parents must be raising him right!  Bobby also grabbed some mini cupcakes for Emmy and I because he didn't want us to be left out of the treats.  He is such a sweet thoughtful little boy.  I'm so proud to see how he thinks of everyone and makes sure to share.

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