Saturday, February 7, 2015

Emmy's valentines

Today I helped Emmy put together her Valentines for school.  She chose Fun Dip and was at first most concerned that since this was her favorite candy she wanted to make sure she gave herself a valentine.  After assuring her that we could make sure she got one she proceeded to cut out numbered cards that he teacher asked to be put onto each valentine.  She did such a great job cutting and it again reminded me of how fast she is growing and how much she is developing.  She could read 80% of the names on her own and sounded out the letters very well.  She also provided me with a lot of comic relief.  She told me that, "Wyatt's best friend is Cambryn (who is a girl) but I think he might be in love with me."  I told her she better not tell daddy that and she agreed with me.  Then she told me about the boy she likes, Gentry.  She held up his valentine and placed it near her heart and said, "This is for my love."  I played along although I can't believe my girl likes boys already.  She told me she likes Gentry because he is the boy who knows about Wild Kratts (which is a cartoon/adventure show about animals).  She later clarified then by saying "he is the goodest looking boy in class that knows about Wild Kratts."  So any boy that likes Emmy take note:  you must be good looking and share her interests.  Sounds about right to me!

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