Thursday, August 27, 2015

First day of Pre-K and 1st grade

Today was the first day of Bobby's second year of Pre-K and Emmy's first day of 1st grade.  Emmy has a great class full of old and new friends she has made over the past year.  She has an excellent teacher - Mrs. Reim.  I actually had Mrs. Reim's daughter in the PT program a couple of years ago.  The kids were both excited to get to school.  I walked Emmy to the playground and she took off running once she saw her friends.  I had to call her back over to get her backpack and then call her over once again after she ran off so that I could get a proper good bye.  She definitely didn't notice when I left....Miss Independent.  She picked out the dress she is wearing and the bow.  I did talk her into tennis shoes since I know she will play hard outside today.  We also changed Bobby's outfit before school and after the pic since he wears most of the playground dirt home every day.  We always dump out sand from his shoes in our garage when he gets home.  He has the start of a black eye and a some scrapes on his face from tripping in front of a bike that then proceeded to run him over while at school.  He told me a "vike" hit him.  They are off to a great start at school today and I am so happy for them.

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