Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The last two weeks of summer

In the last few weeks of summer we were busy.  I taught a CI credentialing course in Minneapolis.  My mom came with to keep me company and we enjoyed some time together.  I bought Bobby a captain America shirt since he is really into super heroes these days.  We also had more friends over for pool time.  Just before I started work full time we had some appts to take care of.  Bobby was tough as can be and got a wart on his thumb frozen off.  He was very brave and didn't even cry.  The doctor said he was tougher than most adults who get warts frozen off.  He then was allowed to pick out a few prizes at the doctor's office and he wanted to choose all prizes (stickers, rings, sucker) for his sister.  I had to remind him that he was the brave boy who earned them and he should get a couple of things for himself.  What a sweet boy - he understands that it is better to give than receive.  I'm now working full time and the kids are looking forward to starting school.  Emmy got a great first grade teacher and I'm looking forward to this year in school for her.

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