Monday, September 28, 2015

Pumpkin Patch and Bible ceremony at church

Emmy received her first Bible from our church.  She is a great reader now and Robb and Emmy practice every night with the homework she is sent home from Mrs. Reim.  She loves to read and now she can read more about the Lord.  Robb and I got to go up to the front for the ceremony and she held onto us so tight with a big smile on her face.  When she got her Bible she hugged it to her chest. She was the only kid who thanked the Reverend and then told each of us she loved us very much.  I was so happy, proud and felt so blessed that we get to have this little person in our lives.  Robb escorted her class to the pumpkin patch last Friday.  She had fun posing for pictures with her friend Payton.  We also did some family swimming yesterday afternoon - it is late in the year for swimming but we are so glad to have the warm days to enjoy our pool!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Busy week

We had a busy but great week this week.  Emmy started hockey, had soccer practice and went to pumpkin patch.  She also had breakfast with her grandparents Eckert for Grandparents day at school. They took her out before school to get some McDonalds and go to the play park.  She was all dressed up for the occasion.  I took the kids for a frozen yogurt treat because they got great reports from their teachers.  I always enjoy that as much as they do!  Robb volunteered as an escort for Emmy's class pumpkin patch trip.  Bobby got to go with his class as well.  He was also child of the week last week and on show and share was asked to bring a picture of him with a friend.  He chose a picture of him and I hugging because mommy is his best friend (melt my heart).  Early this morning Emmy came into my bed due to a nightmare and Bobby came later because he was soaking wet due to wetting the bed.  I had two Eckert kids sharing my pillow by 5 a.m.   Needless to say my sleeping time was over as I attempted to share my one pillow.  I did suggest that Emmy scoot over to dad's side but she told me she wanted to share my pillow to be closer to me.  I always try to enjoy these moments with my two favorite people in the world.....I know it won't be forever that they enjoy my company this much.  We are so blessed to have these little ones.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1st in women's relay, 2nd in female age division and EMMY SCORED HER FIRST SOCCER GOAL

Eckerts had a successful weekend.  I have been sick all week and so I was satisfied with the results I had for the Bismarck Marathon half and relay I participated in.  Emmy scored her first soccer goal on a breakaway and that was an even better accomplishment for us!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bobby's Starbucks date with mommy for breakfast

Bobby got word that Emmy had a special breakfast with mom this past week and he wanted his time too.  I let him pick what he wanted to eat but spent some time trying to convince him that a breakfast sandwich was the way to go........he chose lemon cake.  He then found a way to make that an even unhealthier choice by eating only the frosting off of the cake.  Add that to his starbuck frapp and I basically dropped him off in a sugar coma.  Bobby doesn't usually start the morning off with sugar and so I only allowed this because it was our special breakfast together.  It is so much fun to spend 1 on 1 time with the kids.

Monday, September 14, 2015

This week in the life of the Eckerts

 Emmy had her first soccer game.  Robb is the coach and it is hard to keep Emmy motivated to stay in the game.  She had an injury (several) and seemed to like the goalie position where she could just stand in one spot during the game better than running back in forth.  Once she realized I had snacks she was pretty focused on me and my bag of snacks.  Bobby did cheer for his sister which I thought was adorable.  Later that day we went to the Apple Dash.  Bobby and Emmy ran so hard in the hot sun.  They were in the front of the pack and ran over and under obstacles in the half mile course.  Emmy got a side ache and Bobby was overheated but still they ran and finished. I was very proud of their efforts.  They also got their hair sprayed colors and their faces painted.  We celebrated with frozen yogurt and then headed to the pool.

 We also started Sunday school this past weekend.  The kids are in different classrooms but both had a great time in class and got some root beer floats at the end of the time.
I noticed a rainbow outside one morning as Emmy and I got ready for work/school.  She was SO excited, she loves nature.  This Monday morning we started the day off right with a Starbucks breakfast.  It is expensive and not very healthy but Emmy's smiling face makes this a special treat for us on the way to take her to school.   I love my time with her.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dad is great with the Easy Bake Oven

We let Emmy have a friend over for a play date this past weekend.  I had bought a recipe that looked great for them to make in Emmy's easy bake oven.  It was a 4 layer cake and it turns out that each part of the cake had to be made separately.  The girls lost interest after the first layer was put into the oven and Robb ended up finishing the cake for them.  They all agreed it tasted great........3 hours later.  Poor Robb learned that the Easy bake oven isn't always the easiest way to bake.  What a great dad he is to our little Eckerts.

Labor Day weekend at the ranch

We had the best Labor Day weekend yet at the ranch this past weekend.  The kids wore their cowboy outfits (Provided by Gma Launa).  Gpa Kelly taught them to ride horse and Emmy rode for hours.  She listened carefully and was so proud of her ability to control the horse Ruby.  She is such an animal lover and her favorite thing to do with Ruby is gallop.  Makes mom a little nervous but I have to let her have her independence.  Bobby loved riding horse as well and he rode Bear.  Later that night we had smores and somehow Bobby managed to wear as much as he ate.  The next day we went to the parade and the kids cleaned up on candy that was thrown to them.  They held hands while they waited for candy to get thrown out and then it was a mad dash to gather up candy.  This was the first year I didn't have to help Bobby to make sure he got as much candy as his sister.  After the parade was the street races.  I have reviewed proper running form with the kids and reminded them that participating is more important than winning.  They both really wanted to win though.  I started them off and Bobby won the boys Pre-K and Emmy won 1st grade girls.  I could NOT have been prouder or more excited to see them win and it capped off such a great time for us all.  We are so blessed to have our family and to be able to make the memories together like we do.