Friday, September 25, 2015

Busy week

We had a busy but great week this week.  Emmy started hockey, had soccer practice and went to pumpkin patch.  She also had breakfast with her grandparents Eckert for Grandparents day at school. They took her out before school to get some McDonalds and go to the play park.  She was all dressed up for the occasion.  I took the kids for a frozen yogurt treat because they got great reports from their teachers.  I always enjoy that as much as they do!  Robb volunteered as an escort for Emmy's class pumpkin patch trip.  Bobby got to go with his class as well.  He was also child of the week last week and on show and share was asked to bring a picture of him with a friend.  He chose a picture of him and I hugging because mommy is his best friend (melt my heart).  Early this morning Emmy came into my bed due to a nightmare and Bobby came later because he was soaking wet due to wetting the bed.  I had two Eckert kids sharing my pillow by 5 a.m.   Needless to say my sleeping time was over as I attempted to share my one pillow.  I did suggest that Emmy scoot over to dad's side but she told me she wanted to share my pillow to be closer to me.  I always try to enjoy these moments with my two favorite people in the world.....I know it won't be forever that they enjoy my company this much.  We are so blessed to have these little ones.

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