Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day weekend at the ranch

We had the best Labor Day weekend yet at the ranch this past weekend.  The kids wore their cowboy outfits (Provided by Gma Launa).  Gpa Kelly taught them to ride horse and Emmy rode for hours.  She listened carefully and was so proud of her ability to control the horse Ruby.  She is such an animal lover and her favorite thing to do with Ruby is gallop.  Makes mom a little nervous but I have to let her have her independence.  Bobby loved riding horse as well and he rode Bear.  Later that night we had smores and somehow Bobby managed to wear as much as he ate.  The next day we went to the parade and the kids cleaned up on candy that was thrown to them.  They held hands while they waited for candy to get thrown out and then it was a mad dash to gather up candy.  This was the first year I didn't have to help Bobby to make sure he got as much candy as his sister.  After the parade was the street races.  I have reviewed proper running form with the kids and reminded them that participating is more important than winning.  They both really wanted to win though.  I started them off and Bobby won the boys Pre-K and Emmy won 1st grade girls.  I could NOT have been prouder or more excited to see them win and it capped off such a great time for us all.  We are so blessed to have our family and to be able to make the memories together like we do.

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