Sunday, March 6, 2016

New Orleans trip/race, Bobby turns FIVE and other Eckert events

Bobby had a wacky Wednesday a couple weeks ago.  I asked him if he wanted to get real crazy and borrow clothes from Emmy.  He happily agreed and ended up wearing this get-up.  His shirt is inside out and we put color in his hair as well.  He loved it and had such a great sense of humor about his wacky outfit.

Robb and I took a quick trip to New Orleans.  We had a great time exploring, having great dinners and just spending time together.  I ran the Rock n Roll half there and got my best time every.  Yes, this old lady has still got it.  I finished 2nd in my division with almost 2,000 runners in it and 25 overall with 15,000 runners in the race so they will be sending me a prize in the mail which I am also excited about!  It was a fun trip and when we came back we got some quality family time.

Bobby turned FIVE and for his actual day of birth I asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner and he chose Pizza burgers from Big Boy - flying style.  We got Grandma Pearl the same dinner and brought it over along with a cupcake.  Bobby enjoyed sharing his special dinner with Grandma. 

The next day (Friday) we celebrated with Bobby's party at Space Aliens.  I was stressed making sure all those kids, parents got food, games, etc but Bobby had a great time.  He played games, ran around, ate lots of pizza, opened some fun presents.  We are so blessed to have this happy, funny, sweet boy in our lives and we made sure to celebrate that gift that God gave us on Bobby's birthday.

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