Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter fun 2016

Grandma Launa sent a care package that included melting bunnies.  You created these bunnies and then in about 3 minutes they became "melted."  The kids got a real kick out of the melting bunnies and really enjoyed them for hours.
I bought the game Beanboozled where the player either gets the good tasting version of the jelly bean or the terrible tasting version of the same colored bean.  Some of the bad flavors: dog food, barf, skunk, moldy cheese, stinky socks....and they really tasted and smelled like those flavors.  Dad got tricked a lot and the kids laughed so hard at that.  Poor Bobby started gagging and dry heaving with the booger flavor and then the game had to be done.

 Emmy and I filled her Easter eggs for her birthday egg hunt this coming weekend.  She was a good helper and we made a LOT of eggs for her and 14 friends/cousins.  Emmy told me that helping me fill the eggs was the best part of her day.

The kids went with dad to get some donuts today before school.  They love doing that with him and even brought me back one with sprinkles.

 Easter Sunday at church was a special time.  The kids went up front holding hands for children's time.  I tried to sneak some pictures of them but Emmy spotted me and tried to get the attention of her brother as she began posing.  It really made the shots less candid so I had to stop.  Later in the service it was time for Emmy to ring the bell.  She did it all be herself and really loved doing it.  She was very proud that she was in the bulletin as the bell ringer!

 Due to the Easter holiday I had a day off from work and so the kids and I went to Dairy Queen.  Emmy knew exactly what she wanted - Cherry Dilly bar.  Bobby chose a vanilla ice cream cone.  He ate his cone before I had even paid!  I wanted to take a picture but could only take a pic of him with empty hands where the cone had once been.  Emmy enjoyed hers and she even explained to the lady at the check out that she takes her time eating her ice cream but mommy and Bobby eat theirs really fast!  We also ordered her ice cream cake which again she knew exactly what type of cake she wanted.

The Lovdals invited us over for Easter dinner and an egg hunt.  They kids had a lot of fun running around with their cousins and actually Bobby never stopped playing outside long enough to eat and Emmy only ate the amount of dinner required to quality for getting her dessert (which is pretty typical of Emmy.)  She would never eat dinner if a small treat wasn't promised for successful dinner completion afterwards.  Later the next day I took the kids shopping to spend the 5$ the got from grandma Van for Easter and that was an ordeal.  It took over an hour to select the small toys and treats they wanted and they truly didn't understand that 5$ does not really buy much!  I was exhausted when we finally  had a small light saber and marshmallow bunnies (Bobby's choice) and shopkins toy (Emmy).  I do enjoy my time with the kids though and I'm looking forward to summer!

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