Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Eckert adventures

 We attempted to go to the Jungle Book movie but it proved to be too scary for little Bobby.  He hid in my lap as the lion attacked the other animals and we even tried to leave the theater for a bit to see if it got less scary. I feared nightmares for him though and so we decided to leave and Emmy chose not to stay as well.  Spent a lot of money finding out that movie was not for 5 year olds!
 Grandma Launa is back and she brought new wardrobes along for everyone again!  Emmy loves this swimsuit and has been wearing it in and out of the pool.

Stacy took the girls to the Princess party this past weekend and Emmy had a great time.  I dressed her up like Cinderella and she wanted to look EXACTLY like her.  Stacy spoiled all the girls by buying them another dress (Emmy picked the Merida Brave dress) and also an outfit for a doll.  What an awesome auntie!

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