Monday, November 28, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Bobby has been busy drawing, writing and creating projects.  This is his latest creation and since it was a star (Mommy's favorite shape) I had to take a picture.

 We did our annual shopping trip for ornaments.  Emmy picked out Draculora and Bobby chose a cupcake that said "Happy Birthday Jesus!" and he told me this was because this is the real reason we celebrate at Christmastime and what the holiday is truly about.  "without Jesus, we'd all be dead!" he told me.  I was so proud of him for understanding this important concept.

 We took a trip to the zoo to enjoy the weather before the first winter blizzard was to hit Bismarck.  We watched a Golden Eagle animal training and the kids asked great questions.  Then we walked around and looked at everything else the zoo has to offer.  The kids are still so into learning about animals and Emmy swears that she needs to be a vet or animal trainer for her career.
We participated in the hanging of the greens this past weekend at church.  The kids brought the poinsettias up to the front of the church.  I got to help this weekend with Sunday school and so I witnessed the kids doing this first hand.  It is always a fun time.

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