Friday, November 4, 2016

Parent teacher conferences - SUCCESS

Here is a video of Bobby reading.  Emmy writes him books and he then reads them now.  He loves to identify sight words and sound out other words.  He is excellent at math and we learned that he is doing math problems at a 1st grade level.  His teacher told us he is doing math skills and she hasn't even taught those skills yet!  She also scored him far above his age for reading, writing and other skills.  Overall he is a little smarty and we were very proud.  Emmy had an equally as good report.  She is reading at a 4th grade level and her teacher told us that she is going to challenge her and teach her at that level.  All of her other skills are above and are scoring at the end of the year marks similar to Bobby.  Essentially Bobby and Emmy are scoring with end of the year testing scores.  Robb and I left there glowing.  Emmy's teacher told us we could work on little things like how Emmy holds the pencil, how she demonstrates non verbals to losing games she plays with others (hmmmmm, sounds familiar...she doesn't like losing).  Bobby can work on sitting still and being in control of his busy body.  Those teachers really know our kids and gave us ideas on how we can work on those things but more importantly assured us that intelligence and learning are areas they are doing very well in.  We celebrated with a McDonald's dinner and they each earned 3 books they got to pick out at the Book Fair.

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