Friday, June 9, 2017

Inflatable 5K, camps and other fun times

Bobby had basketball camp for a few days last week and I always came a little early to watch him in action.  On the last day there were awards and I was surprised and excited to see that he won two.  One for a shooting game (3rd place) and his scrimmage team got 1st place.

Emmy took a quick trip to the ranch to ride horse and hang out with her cousins.  She loves the horse Ruby!

Emmy and I have been journaling this summer and I came across this part that she had written and my heart was so happy!

Another year of the inflatable 5K and it was a hot one!  Robb avoided the obstacles but the kids and I didn't miss any.
Emmy had a 2 day volleyball camp and she really had fun.  Bobby and I spent that time while she was away at the library and doing some shopping!

One of my former students opened a new business and so we stopped by the kid friendly open house to support her.  The kids were very good and they had fun eating and playing.  Bobby chose face paint that was a dinosaur that looked like it was opening its mouth when Bobby opened his.  We laughed at him eating a hot dog watching that dino also open his big mouth.

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