Wednesday, May 2, 2018

What we've been up to lately

 Bobby had his recycling project presentations.  He was so adorable presenting the project he and Robb worked on.  Of course, it is hunting themed.  A target, rifle stand, rifle holder all made of recycled goods.  He introduced himself, then explained how he made this project and finished with "got any questions?"  I asked him what he liked to hunt and he told me "that's just about everything you can hunt!"  He has really grown up this year but he is still my cute little sweetheart.  Loving and kind.....just the best boy ever.
 Graduation time!  My research group did a fantastic job this year and I've already submitted our work to CSM for a presentation.

 I couldn't miss GABR but it wasn't easy this year.  I rode at 9:00 and then mom had to drive me and Emmy to campus while I changed in the car.  I made it on time for the 10:15 hooding ceremony where I presented some awards and tried to look fresh and clean (I was not).  I did manage to have the top female ride again this year and finish top 5.  I didn't ride as far as I did last year (this year was 8.19) but as long as I'm still reaching goals I think I will take that mileage.  The kids had a ton of stuff going on - pictures, games, etc.  My mom had to help us drive them around with Robb because he couldn't get to everything without some help and I worked all day Saturday for graduation.  I'm 1 yr in to the EdD and holding down my 4.0 gpa.  2 years to go......I'm certain I will make it but there will be some busy days to come.

The kids showed off their art at the art show this past week.  Emmy finished off the busy Saturday last weekend with a late night choir performance.  She was so exhausted that on the way she cried and then fell asleep.  These poor kids!  Their activities keep them very busy.

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