Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July is FUN!

 Emmy's dreams have come true with the adoption of these two Bermese Mountain Dogs.  They are technically grandma and grandpa's but they've been spending lots of time at our house and Emmy has been at their house a lot too.

 Emmy got to go to an Awesome U Mary vball camp again this year.  Then we had a great lunch on campus just the two of us.  She had the BEST pizza she had ever eaten and a couple deserts.  She tried a frappacino that wasn't really good tasting (too much coffee) so after a few sips she decided to give it to her coaches.  When she gave it to them she told me, "man, that feels so good to give!"

We had a fun amusement park day.  We did mini golf, the basketball shooting game, rode the slides and did all the rides!

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