Monday, August 6, 2018

Pool party and other good times

 Emmy has been doing great at completing her 3 times per week BIO girl workouts!  I'm very proud of her efforts.  She often runs an extra mile or turns up the pace without any encouragement from me.  She earned the accountability award last week.  This week we are hosting a pool workout at our house!

 We had a pool party at our house and it was THE BEST TIME!  Our friends are so awesome and the night was full of volleyball fun.
 I got an email thank you the other day that had a nice surprise....front and center was my Emmy with a big smile on her face.  She and I will have to catch some games this year.

 The kids wanted to go on a Riverboat cruise and so we got on board (on an 100 degree day) and sailed away for an hour.  The kids enjoyed the ride and snacks and Robb and I helped them make a memory that we both share as well from riding the Riverboat as kids.

 We took an annual trip to Capital A'fair again this year.  It was busy and we had a great time shopping, eating, etc.  Emmy and I made necklaces and while we were busy Bobby insisted that he buy this rock for me to surprise me.  I had no idea he had done this until we got home and he showed me this present he bought with his own money for me.  The kids have worked hard doing chores and he had earned 10$ pulling weeds.  He wanted me to have this so I remember how much he appreciates me.  What a sweetie!

 I caught a head cold over the weekend too and was trying to recover.  The kids decided making me breakfast would help me get rid of the cold.  In the center is my usual breakfast - berries, yogurt and chia seeds.  There are also an array of only red skittles, covered almond (we bought at the street fair), blackberries and then there is a special creation Emmy made.  It is caramel popcorn covered in chocolate sauce with a dollop of pink raspberry unicorn ice cream with a cherry gumball on top.  The ice cream was melted in really good by the time I got to that treat and I convinced the kids that I needed to eat that special dessert later :)
Kids are scheduled for hair cute before school starts and meanwhile Bobby's hair is getting LONG!

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