Monday, October 1, 2018

Our weekends are busy!

 It was grandparents day and our kids are so blessed to have two pairs of grandparents to show off.  Grandma and Grandpa Moldenhauer took them out for breakfast and then the Eckert grandparents came for lunch.  They also participated in some fun activities.  Emmy interviewed Grandma Candy and I giggled when she read to me that Grandma Candy's advice for Emmy was to "visit your grandparents often."

Our weekends are full of soccer games, basketball games, football games.  Emmy is actually one of the taller girls out there and she is great at defense.

 The boys took KrisAnn and I out to Wild Wings for dinner and then to the Prince Ball.  The boys danced like crazy.  Bobby told me that he had "tasted my necklace" since it fell into his mouth while we were two stepping.  I asked him how it tasted and he said, "Not great!"  He makes me laugh.  Later on he said his favorite part was when I taught him to two step.  Robb let Bobby and I sleep in my bed and so Bobby and I fell asleep holding hands.  He was an excellent date and I love our time together.  Robb and Emmy got sushi take out and watched a movie.  They will be going to a Princess ball next weekend.

Emmy took her turn at Acolyte.  She and her friend were great and when they finished lighting the candles, Emmy turned to her friend and gave her a high five.  Pastor Jenny loved this (as did many in the congregation) and she used it in her children's sermon and adult sermon time to talk about how praise is better than criticism.  Emmy became quite famous and they even talked about the high five in the children's Sunday school time.  Emmy is a happy, encouraging person and so her high five didn't surprise us, but it was fun to see others get to share in her personality.  I was proud of her!

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