Wednesday, February 13, 2019


 Emmy has been busy enjoying her hockey season.  She was just in Minot for another tournament.  I took her out for breakfast before she left so I could get a little more time in with this busy lady.

 While Emmy and Robb were in Minot for the tournament, Bobby and I had some great time together.  We went to the St. Mary's carnival.  We weren't very lucky with prizes or at the cake walk but Bobby loved the pitching game and was close to guessing his pitch speed.

 One night last week we had back to back school programs.  Bobby and Emmy each had a line or two to say and Emmy played xylophone and drums.  They both made us proud up there!  Parent teacher conferences were also last week.  Emmy is still at the top of her class for math and reading.  She is doing well.  Her teacher would like her to be more clean, tidy, organized with her desk.....I would like that at home as well!  Bobby is in the 99th percentile for reading and 95th for math.  He doesn't like to not know anything, his teacher tells us.  He gets frustrated when the work doesn't come easy to him (which is most often).  He still is a busy-body who gets in trouble sometimes for his active body that doesn't want to sit still and listen.  Two smarties that are doing great in school!
 Emmy scored a goal last weekend in the Bismarck tournament.  I bought her a special treat to celebrate her hard work!
Bobby and his girlfriend Keira are still going strong.  He got her a special Valentine and also got one in the mail from her.  It is sweet how thoughtful they are....and of course, how in love they are.

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