Thursday, April 11, 2019

Bucks game, Capital field trip, and last basketball game of season

 We went to our first Bucks game as a family.  I discovered the games are more about eating snacks then watching the game for the kids.  They did catch T-shirts and multiple footballs thrown from the field, which was stressful for me and fun for them. I'm always worried that if they don't manage to catch something they will be disappointed.  We ended up on the Jumbotron....A LOT.  One of the times I managed to take a selfie of us.  My phone is in front of my face, but the other family members you can kind of see in the picture.  We had a great time!

 I helped chaperone Emmy's field trip to the capital.  I re-learned my ND studies since it has been about 30 years since my last capital trip.  She was excited to have me there and we enjoyed each other as we toured around the capital and Heritage Center. 

Bobby had his last basketball game.  He scored about 20 points and was pretty tough on defense.  He is really a great little player and he has fun out there.  I will miss watching his games!

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