Monday, July 15, 2019

Happenings in July

 Emmy has been crushing her BIO girl workouts.  She is strong and positive and I enjoy our workouts together!

4th of July was spent at the Lovdal's house.  The boys killed their wings...I've never seen humans eat like that.  Bobby's nose was running but that didn't stop him from eating A LOT of wings! 

 We went to a Larks game and had a great time!  We had really good tickets, free food and lots of family time.  The Larks won and got 8 runs in the 8th inning which meant free donuts for all (which we redeemed the next day).

 Yes, you can write your dissertation ANYWHERE.  I compromised and jumped with the kids too.  A little 3 yr old boy came over while I was working and offered me free hugs and kisses!  I really didn't have a chance to say no...he insisted and planted a kiss right on my cheek.  His name was Bradley and it was clear Robb has some competition.  I'm 40 but still popular with the younger men I guess.
 We took a trip to Medora and stopped by the Perception House.  Emmy knew many of the illusions and the kids were very interested.  The slanted house really made me feel ill, but they loved it!

 A fantastic family dinner at The Roughrider Inn
 Medora Musical - beautiful night
 Emmy was asked to come up on stage and be a part of the act.  She will NEVER forget her time on stage.  She was very entertaining and earned herself 3$ and many fans.  As we left that night, many kids came over to meet her and to talk to her.  It was such a great memory for us all!

 These musical singers were from Bismarck!

 Our afternoon hiking was so much fun.  We really enjoy our time together.....though we got a little TOO close to this rattlesnake.  That was a close one!

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