Sunday, June 30, 2019

New member of the family and some birthday celebrations

 We introduced the kids to a new member of our family.....Bernie! He is such a naughty puppy, but the kids sure love him.  Emmy cried for over an hour...tears of joy when we told her the news.  We tried to surprise them as we picked him up at the airport, but Bobby was on to us the entire day.  He thought it was strange that we'd need to go to the airport for errand running that day.

Bernie loves ice cream just as much as we do!  DQ provides special puppy treats.
My dear friend, Val, from grad school came through town.  We celebrated her birthday and her family spent the night.  It was a great time catching up.
 I turned 40!  I had lots of great friends here to help me celebrate.  My parents were there and left early...with a hunk of my cake before I had a chance to blow out the candles!

 We played a lot of volleyball in the pool and my friends gave me all kinds of cool gifts!
 Emmy got to experience another great Hockey camp with the Lamoureaux Olympians.  She loved it!

 Bobby has been to so many basketball and football camps this summer that I think we have worn him out!

 We tried to take Bernie for a walk....he wasn't so into it!  He would rather go for ice cream.

 While the boys fished at the ranch, Emmy enjoyed the new kitties.  They are so cute!
 Kids got their OWN library cards while I paid off the fines they have on my card.  I'm sure I will pay these fines too.

Robb it still a great softball player.  Bobby enjoys watching him, cheering for him and being the official bat boy.  Bobby got a special outfit to wear and he woke up extra early to be at this McQuades game.  He admires his dad!

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