Monday, August 26, 2019

Saying good-bye to Quinn and summer and Hello to the first day of school

 We had to say good-bye to Quinn.  We loved having her this summer and hope we get to see her again very soon.

 The kids were so excited about their first day of school.  5th grade means Emmy is in her last year at Centennial.  The kids immediately found their friends and the good-bye to Robb and I was pretty anti-climatic.  No drama from our grown up kids!  We like their teachers and I'm excited to see their year get started.
 Emmy got to dress up for her BIO girls run like a grown up she looks up to and she wanted to dress up like me.  She wore my shorts and BIO girls shirt cinched real tight.  She is running strong and doing so well with BIO girls this year.  I'm very proud of her efforts!

 Robb and I celebrated our 12th Anniversary by going on a quick Florida trip.  The kids were with their grandparents and spent time at the ranch.  They enjoyed riding horses and even got to see some of our Chicago family.

 I've enjoyed some extra girl's time with my Emmy while the boys are at softball.  Bobby has become the official bat boy and he loves being with Robb.  He is always anxiously awaiting when Robb will get home so they can play catch together in the yard or go hit baseballs at the diamonds.

We spent our last day together at the zoo before the kids started school.  The animals were very busy and we had a great time together.
 Emmy thought for sure she could tame the rabbit we didn't quite work.  There were the cutest baby goats that the kids petted.  I asked them multiple times to sanitize afterwards and that lead Emmy to believe that I may be a germ-phobe.  Bobby said, "No, mom just likes to keep us from being sick"  I think they both may be correct!

 My mom took Mason and Emmy to serve the homeless dinner at church.  Both kids did very well which is no surprise because they've got big hearts!
 Emmy got to see one of her most favorite Alexis!  They spent some quality time together at the ranch.
 My parents took the kids to Carson for the parade and festivities!
We made an Orange Leaf stop on the first day of's a tradition to get an ice cream treat after the first day of school.

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