Thursday, September 5, 2019

Ranch life and winning races

 Grandma's 67th birthday and also her Anniversary!  We celebrated out at the ranch this year.  We talked Grandpa into playing Apples to Apples where he was the all time judge.  He definitely favored the boys' team but the girls still won.  Grandma Launa knows the judge better than he knows himself so we had quite the advantage in knowing what cards he would choose in the game.  I laughed so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes!

 The kids take the road races in Almont VERY seriously.  They both a good margin.  They each won 2$ and bragging rights for another year.   It has been fun to see them get competitive.  Bobby was stretching and jumping around to warm up.
 Bobby and Robb slept in the tent overnight at the Ranch, by the river.  Emmy and I agreed to join them when they move the camp site closer to the house. 

 Emmy LOVES the kitties and they love her.  We visited the kitties quite a bit while we were at the ranch.

 Fishing and shooting are favorite ranch past times.  The kids really enjoy the river.

 Bobby has gotten quite comfortable going to the Almont bar with his dad.  He gets a root beer and cranks the jukebox to play "God's Country"

I started back for another year at U Mary.  Almost done with this EdD and met my goal of writing the dissertation over the summer.  Still have 2 courses to take, but getting so much closer to the finish line!

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