Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Emmy turns 11

 Emmy has become quite the baker.  We made whole wheat banana chocolate chip muffins.  She can measure and stir like a champ and we enjoy the time together.  Emmy and Bobby have read a series of books where the main characters eat Jelly Tarts.  They found the recipe and we made Jelly Tarts that they really enjoyed eating.

 We've currently been in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic in our country.  Schools are close and most businesses and most people are social distancing at home.  I am working from home and all the courses have moved to online format.  This has been stressful for everyone but we are grateful that we have jobs and that we are healthy. Our Easter trip was cancelled and there may be other trips cancelled as well.  The Centennial teachers did brighten our day by driving around past all the kids' homes in a parade.  We made signs, it was fun to see them.
Robb put up a basketball hoop so the kids could enjoy "recess" outside.  The kids wanted to have an online meeting with their grandparents from the "beach" since we can't see them in person right now.

 Emmy turned 11!  She wanted cinnamon rolls for breakfast, cheesecake for her birthday cake and we made sure to make her whatever she wanted for meals that day (Mac and Cheese and Ramen noodles).  Later that day she had an online meeting with about 10 of her friends.  They sang to her and enjoyed their meet up.  Our original plan (before COVID-19) was to have a sleepover.  We still plan to do this once we can get together with people again after the social distancing restrictions were lifted.

Kids have been online schooling for weeks now.  There are good and bad things about positive is that the kids get more time out at the ranch.  They are definitely learning about life while out there and also helping out with some chores!

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