Friday, June 19, 2020


 We have made our lists again this year.  COVID may put a hold on some of these activities, but not all and nothing will stop our fun!
 Mo's Snow shack is open!
 Pool parties have begun....we have had lots of friends over already.

 The kids still help out with chores (pulling weeds, sweeping the garage floor, watering the outside plants and garden, taking care of Bernie) and they have summer school online in the mornings.  Emmy has been doing projects for her 6th grade class (making escape rooms, business planning for her daycare, and planning a trip budget) and Bobby has a meeting with his group and then individual work online.

 Bobby started baseball so Emmy and I get to go on some walks together.  We got rained on during this walk but we still enjoyed our time!
 There is almost always time for a treat after a walk or bike ride.  This one at TCBY.

 We went on our longest bike ride yet!  We went down to the golf course trail in East Bismarck by Shiloh HS and then on our way back home we stopped at FOMO 10/40 creamery truck and got some ice cream.  That was a fun time for us all.  Emmy got a new bike and Bobby is now using her old bike.
 We had our relatives over for drinks and pizza with some swimming since Uncle Kyle was in town.  Lexi is so much fun and we enjoy getting together!
 Bobby has been working SO hard at baseball.  He made the traveling team and practices for HOURS every day.  He has a practice with his team almost every day of the week, weekend tournaments and then he spends hours with Robb hitting, playing catch and even using the reaction ball in the basement to field grounders.
 He also had Cross Training football camp.  His 5 on 5 team won first place in the tournament and he really enjoyed it this week.  Less kids than usual but nice to get back into the activities this summer.

 One afternoon this week we went to the amusement park.  We had a great time on the rides and we raced down the superslide together.  Bobby and Emmy are competitive and weigh about the same so the races down the slide are close.  We also had to have ice cream at the end of the day.....of course.
Emmy and I rode to Grandpa Bob's house on our bikes.  He wasn't home but we delivered his newspaper for him.

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