Friday, May 29, 2020

Let the Summer fun begin!

I officially got my diploma sent to me in the mail from U Mary.  What a journey!  I'm smarter, older, and much more appreciative for the supportive family I have that helped me along the way.

The kids wrapped up their Online school year.  Emmy had a virtual graduation where she go to present a slide and talk about her "future plans."  We decided to sign the kids up for summer school to keep the online learning going now that we've all got the hang of it.  We aren't going to push assignments daily but thought some laid back learning when able would be of benefit given that they missed a few months of  "in person" school when the learning went online.  I'll be working from home too this summer and we won't have a nanny so this will keep us all busy.

 Alexis turned 2.  Emmy LOVES her so much and always goes to Grandmas when Lexi is there.  We really enjoy her spunky personality.  She asks for us all by name now and talks so much.
 Centennial sent me this in the mail.....and I cried.  Look at that beautiful girl.  Time just flew by.....she grew up fast and went through all the grades at Centennial.  Now she starts a new chapter at Horizon.
 We had a drive through good-bye at Centennial to say good-bye to the teachers.  Bobby reminded me that we normally have ice cream afterschool on the final day of class.  We made a trip to Dairy Queen but had to eat inside the care.  COVID has made our routines a bit different, but we still enjoy the memories.
Grandma Launa took Emmy shopping and she got some new cowgirl boots.  The kids have spent a lot of time at the ranch.  That has been the blessing of home school....more time together and more Ranch memories.

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