Wednesday, September 23, 2020

BIO girls and Bobby is a cross country star!

Bobby has had two consecutive weeks of being a star runner.  He placed 2nd in his first meet two weeks ago and this week he took 1st place in the 4th grade boys all city Cross Country meet.  He worked so hard and was so determined.  It was a joy to watch!  I was so proud of his tenacity out there.

1st place WIN!

The kids have been busy out at U Mary.  Bobby is often teaching the boys new games.  Emmy is best friends with many of the younger girls who idolize her.  She often shares snacks and brings home pictures they drew for her indicating she is their best friend.

Bobby lining up to get 2nd in his first race of the season.  A half of a mile and he always starts out at a sprint (about 50 yards ahead of all other boys).  We always celebrate with ice cream!

Another great BIO girls race night.  The girls worked hard and did a fantastic job running their race. Emmy had a major side-ache a half a mile into the race.  She fought through it and ran faster with each mile.  She sprinted into the finish and I couldn't catch her!  She then ran in her friends who were yet to finish and I went to find Aubrey so I could run her in.  It was an amazing experience that I feel blessed to have.  Three years as a mentor and Emmy has been in this program for 4 years.  It is a great program that emphasizes God, self-love, and service to others.  I'm very proud of my BIO girl!


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